Mediator & Prisoner for Peace

Joseph Maizlish

Joseph Maizlish voluntarily relinquished his deferment during the Vietnam War and spent 2 1/2 years in jail. His work now includes mediation and activities with Southern California War Tax Resistance. Family counseling, civil rights, antinuclear work are all part of his path.

Music Featured:
Have You Been to Jail for Justice? - Anne Feeney
Travelers - Andy & Terry Murray

First Air Date

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Mediator & Prisoner for Peace

Audio file

and the choices he would have made if he had it to make again.
and the consequences of his act of protest
and how they are chosen.
including auto mechanic, college student, therapist.
and how his own thinking fit poorly into that system.
The value he has for supporting the peace efforts

Broadcast Date(s)


Joseph Maizlish


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