Ep 56 Tony Campolo--A Christian's Call to Save Creation

February 23, 2021

Last month we featured three Conservative Christians who told us how their faith compels them to promote creation care and climate change solutions. This month we feature one of America’s most widely known Progressive Evangelical Christian thought leaders. Rev. Tony Campolo is professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University, and he led the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education for more than 40 years.

EP 55 Climate Change and Creation Care: What Would Jesus Do?

February 23, 2021

In a followup to our most downloaded episode,  What Does the Bible Say About Climate Change?, host, Peterson Toscano speaks with two Christian women about their faith, their commitment to creation care, and why they see Citizens Climate Lobby as a place where they can pursue meaningful solutions. They talk about their values, the Bible, the spiritual charge to do the work of reconciliation, especially in a contentious and politically divided country.

Professor Calvin DeWitt - Evangelicals and The Environment

February 23, 2021
Professor Dewitt dwells comfortably, even passionately, in two worlds that many see as inconsistent. Cal is a Professor of Environmental Studies, teaching Environmental Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as part of the Gaylord Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies. I speaks - and acts - on the Evangelicals & the Environmental, and on the spiritual journey of John Muir.