NSR promotes world healing by broadcasting inspirational and educational voices of peace and social justice using the language of personal story, music, and spirituality.
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Ximena Yáñez Soto is the author of Healthy Planet, Healthy You: Simple Habits to Create a Brighter Future which is an exploration of the health connections between what we eat, why we eat it, how it affects us, & how these are linked to the well-being of other inhabitants of our globe & of the planet as a whole. As much as Ximena does not claim to be a scientist, she is organized, principled, insightful, & delightful, sharing the information & experience she has gathered while encouraging us to do our own research & exploration.
Jori Lewis is the author of Slaves for Peanuts: A Story of Conquest, Liberation, and a Crop That Changed History. Jori explores culture, history, environment, economic systems, religion, and slavery in its West African context, opening our eyes to the way the world really has worked & is working still.
We've visited with Mike McCabe several times in the past 15 years, about his work with the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, about the need for real people in government, and relative to his run for Wisconsin governor. Today we have Mike here for something different, a book of fiction called Miracles Along County Q. While fiction, the book reflects truths and insights into many aspects of urban vs rural tensions in terms of both personal and political outlooks.
Part 2 of our sampling of Kerrville New Folk winners who we've interviewed on NSR. Of the 24 Kerrville competitors we didn't feature last week, 7 of them were winners, so today we glance back at interviews with and music from Tom Neilson, Danny Schmidt, Anne Feeney, Jonathan Byrd, David Massengill, David Roth, and David Wilcox. Take a look at the incredible line-ups of the New Folk Stage at Kerrville since 1973.
A different kind of Song of the Soul today, a sampling of our guests who have competed at the Kerrville Folk Festival New Folk Competition. We're grabbing glimpses of Kerrville alumni who we've interviewed on our show in recent years, giving you a taste of the rich talent and spirit of Kerrville artists.
We're headed to England today for a visit with Simon Mayor. Unlike in the US where mandolin is a common instrument in many areas, it is a less common and less-vaunted source of fine music in England, except in the hands of Simon Mayor and a handful of other Brits. Simon plays in a number of configurations, most featuring his partner, Hilary James, but also as part of a mandolin quartet (or quintet) called the Mandolinquents. Among Simon's creations are at least 5 albums that Simon and Hilary made for kids.
In this month’s Citizens’ Climate Radio episode, host Peterson Toscano and the CCR teams introduce a fresh approach to climate change storytelling by exploring personal stories as metaphors. While these stories are not explicitly about climate change, they reveal truths and perspectives that resonate with our climate work. Join us to discover how personal narratives can enhance and diversify our stories about climate change. You will also learn expert storytelling tips to apply when telling stories about climate change.
In this episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio, hosts Horace Mo and Erica Valdez bring together diverse voices to discuss current efforts to address climate change. Horace Mo speaks with Ann E. Burg, a celebrated author known for compelling historical novels for young readers, about her newly published novel, “Force of Nature–A Novel of Rachel Carson,“ which opens a new door for readers to experience the life of Carson, a well-known environmental pioneer in the U.S., by reading her field notes and Ann’s innovative writing.
In this month’s Citizens’ Climate Radio episode, Rob Hopkins, one of the founders of the Transition Town movement, shows us how playful imagination can lead to real-world solutions, and you will discover how a life-sized whale made of plastic bags brought a community together to pass groundbreaking legislation. Artist Carrie Ziegler shares her extraordinary project that mobilized hundreds of schoolchildren to make a powerful statement about plastic pollution. In the Nerd Corner, Dana Nuccitelli tackles the big question: is a carbon price still effective in a post-Inflation Reduction Act world?
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