Each week, Spirit In Action brings you stories of people living lives of fruitful service, of peace, community, compassion, creative action and progressive efforts. We will trace the spiritual roots that support and nourish them in their service. Above all, we will seek out Light, Love and Helping Hands, being shared between our many neighbors on this planet, hoping to inspire and encourage you to sink deep roots and produce sacred fruit in your own life.

Spirit In Action is an hour of interviews with those providing leadership in peace, justice and "good works", interspersed with relevant music. The theme music is "The Turning of the World" performed by Sara Thomsen (written by Ruth Pellham).

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10 Things To Do Now That Trump Has Won

First Air Date

More than a decade ago I interviewed Daniel Hunter about a book he had written, and when I saw the article he had written just before the November election called 10 Things To Do If Trump Wins, I knew it was something I needed to check out. After all, Daniel has done organizing and training in a number of settings, in the United States and abroad, preparing folks to effectively make this a better world.

Another Mother's Child - A Jewish Quaker Reaches Out

First Air Date

Many of us have been in pain about events in the Middle East for years, a pain that was horribly amplified by the massacre of Jews on October 7th, 2023, and the horrific and disproportional retribution that followed in Gaza by Israelis. Today's guest is Sandy Green, a Jewish Quaker, formerly a Zionist, who found she could not un-see the evils perpetrated by Israel on Palestinians, not just recently, but for decades. Late in her long life, Sandy has become a visible activist, facing painful consequences, but remaining steadfast to a fuller and wider love.

Positive & Practical Primer for Paradigm Shift

First Air Date

Jan Spencer is back today to guest-host today Spirit In Action with the 4th installment of his series Primer for Paradigm Shift, and this one is fun for the positive and practical examples of this kind of work actually taking place. While keeping his eye on the needed ways of seeing and thinking about the world in order to become sustainable and to leave our world-wrecking ways behind us, Jan shows us real folks making real change with real fun.