Truth Among Red & Blue White People: Is It Racism, Is It Sexism?

Betsy Leondar-Wright and the cover of her new book

More than 10 years ago I interviewed Betsy Leondar-Wright about her superb book, Missing Class, and today we'll visit with her about the book she researched and wrote with Jessi Streib called Is It Racist? Is It Sexist?: Why Red and Blue White People Disagree and How to Decide in the Gray Areas. As in all her work, Betsy drills deep, past prejudices and proclivities, beyond entrenched sides and blindered perspectives, to find a better way forward for all of us. Betsy Leondar-Wright joins us from Arlingon, Massachusetts.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Unitarian-Universalist, Reconstructionist Judaism, Mystical Pantheist, Presbyterian, Sufi

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Full, Uncut, Is It Racist? Is It Sexist? Interview

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Truth Among Red & Blue White People: Is It Racism, Is It Sexism?

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Betsy Leondar-Wright


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