More than 10 years ago I interviewed Betsy Leondar-Wright about her superb book, Missing Class, and today we'll visit with her about the book she researched and wrote with Jessi Streib called Is It Racist?
Powerarchy to Social Transformation
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In Powerarchy: Understanding the Psychology of Oppression for Social Transformation, psychologist Melanie Joy helps us find a way to rethink power, rewrite our future by understanding the structure, workings, & consequences of powerarchy. Melanie is also author of Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows, and currently lives in Berlin, Germany, doing her work of building compassion in the world.
Faithful Radical Love
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Religious norms & habits can't stand in the way of a community faithful to the call of Radical Love. Dave Greenlund, pastor of Peace Lutheran Church - Lauderdale shares the story of a (formerly) Missouri Synod Church whose members traveled a path to greater & greater inclusion & love, squarely facing sexism, racism, Earthcare, and gifting themselves & their neighbors with Christmas in August.
Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
A Voice for the Deaf & the Kendal Sparrow
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Barbara Luetke recently retired after 10 years as the Outreach & Literacy Coordinator at the Northwest School for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children and decades more in the field. She's written a number of textbooks in that field.
Healing Black & Brown Girls
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In Sing a Rhythm, Dance a Blues: Education for the Liberation of Black and Brown Girls, Monique W. Morris orchestrates a vision of ways forward for the healing of the black & brown girls in the USA. Drawing on the science & the art of human change, Monique identifies the obstructions, & spot-lights the ways over, around, & through them.
Race Smarts
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Many myths, misconceptions, & motivations have kept the USA mired in racism for centuries. Margaret L. Andersen helps move us in productive directions with her new book, Getting Smart About Race: An American Conversation.
Black Girls: Dropout or Pushout
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Black Girls have double challenges in successfully navigating school, dealing with both racism & sexism. Monique W. Morris, author of Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools explores both the problems and the solutions. She is co-founder of the National Black Women's Justice Institute and author of 3 other books, including Too Beautiful for Words: A Novel.
Social Class & Powerful Social Action
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Most activists recognize the strength to social action groups of drawing power from across the racial and sex/gender landscape, but too few recognize the key effects of class. In Missing Class: Strengthening Social Movement Groups by Seeing Class Cultures, Betsy Leondar-Wright shines a focused light on the opportunities for pulling together as never before, by seeing the many ways in which social class impacts our thoughts, actions, and organizing.
Making Eternal Judgements - Slavery, Sexism, Homophobia
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Looking at the "obvious evil" of the past to help distinguish the evil we're doing now.
Too Stupid for Democracy?
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Part 2 of a visit with singer/songwriter/activist Eileen McGann weaves powerful themes of healing the world through much of her music, embedded in a spiritual depth and consciousness. Care for the Earth & all its creatures, war, democracy, economic fairness and equality are just some of the concerns that Eileen sings compellingly about.
All the songs in this program are performed by Eileen McGann: