Too Stupid for Democracy?

Eileen McGann

Part 2 of a visit with singer/songwriter/activist Eileen McGann weaves powerful themes of healing the world through much of her music, embedded in a spiritual depth and consciousness. Care for the Earth & all its creatures, war, democracy, economic fairness and equality are just some of the concerns that Eileen sings compellingly about.

All the songs in this program are performed by Eileen McGann:

Too Stupid For Democracy from Journeys    
Medusa from Beyond the Storm    
Evening News from Pocketful of Rhymes    
Here’s To The Men from Elements

First Air Date

Too Stupid for Democracy

Audio file

how there is no benefit to being self righteous
Too Stupid for Democracy - song and interview
Real beauty and the introduction to the song Medusa
and how it affects her
her answer is education. though she recognizes that dishonest or even honest propaganda will render the best education moot.
and who the songs manage to inspire

Broadcast Date(s)


Eileen McGann


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