More than 10 years ago I interviewed Betsy Leondar-Wright about her superb book, Missing Class, and today we'll visit with her about the book she researched and wrote with Jessi Streib called Is It Racist?
These Walls Between Us - Growing Beyond the Racial Divide
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In These Walls Between Us – A Memoir of Friendship Across Race and Class Wendy Sanford helps us all travel with her a path away from white supremacy, white privilege, and micro-aggressions, to true interracial friendship, by witnessing Wendy's journey of growth & self-examination.
Social Class & Powerful Social Action
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Most activists recognize the strength to social action groups of drawing power from across the racial and sex/gender landscape, but too few recognize the key effects of class. In Missing Class: Strengthening Social Movement Groups by Seeing Class Cultures, Betsy Leondar-Wright shines a focused light on the opportunities for pulling together as never before, by seeing the many ways in which social class impacts our thoughts, actions, and organizing.
Collective Visioning & Bridging the Class Divide
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Linda Stout is the activist/author of Collective Visioning: How Groups Can Work Together for a Just and Sustainable Future and founder of Spirit In Action, a non-profit organization that catalyzes broad-based movement building to support deep and lasting social change.