Interfaith United

Interfaith United

A letter about Interfaith collaboration was published in Eau Claire's Leader-Telegram on 12/2/17, signed by 33 representatives of various faiths in the Chippewa Valley. The joint letter was in response to a local congregation featuring an ex-Muslim Christian convert who was to speak warning of the dangers of Interfaith dialogue. Seven people from different faiths read the communal letter. In order, Mark Helpsmeet (Eau Claire Quakers), David Huber (Plymouth UCC), Kathy Reid Walker (First Presbyterian Church of Eau Claire), Amy Renshaw (Bahá'ís of Eau Claire), Sahar Taman (Secretary and Treasurer of the Mahmoud S Taman Foundation), Dean Simpson (Grace Lutheran Church), & Tom Chisholm (St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church).

The next Interfaith Prayer Service for Peace & Unity will be Wednesday, May 23, 2018, at Lake Street Methodist Church in Eau Claire, WI.

A letter about Interfaith collaboration was published in Eau Claire's Leader-Telegram on 12/2/17, signed by 33 representatives of various faiths in the Chippewa Valley. The joint letter was in response to a local congregation featuring an ex-Muslim Christian convert who was to speak warning of the dangers of Interfaith dialogue. 7 people from different faiths read the communal letter. In order, Mark Helpsmeet (Eau Claire Quakers), David Huber (Plymouth UCC), Kathy Reid Walker (First Presbyterian Church of Eau Claire), Amy Renshaw (Bahá'ís of Eau Claire), Sahar Taman (Secretary and Treasurer of the Mahmoud S Taman Foundation), Dean Simpson (Grace Lutheran Church), & Tom Chisholm (St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church).


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Mark Helpsmeet
Kathy Reid Walker
David Huber
Amy Renshaw
Sahar Taman
Dean Simpson
Tom Chisholm


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