Star by Moon

Idris Phillips

Idris Phillips has been making superb music with wonderful artists for close to 40 years, and finally he's released his first CD, Star By Moon, this one emphasizing his folk roots, but promising his jazz, blues, and other styles in future recordings. His guitar & keyboards are magic, and his lyrics triple-deep, in the listener's ear, in Idris' personal experience, & in the mystical truths they name.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

Muslim, Non-affiliated 

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Idris Phillips:
Content - from Star By Moon
Star by Moon - from Star By Moon
I Still See You There - from Star By Moon
FS Blues - from Star By Moon
For You - from Star By Moon
BONUS: If You Leave - released as single available on-line - lyrics by Qutaiba Al-Mahawili

Episode Number


First Air Date

Star by Moon

Audio file

Here's a bonus song from our interview with Idris, If You Leave.

Broadcast Date(s)


Idris Phillips


In1993, I went through a divorce in Tempe and two artist friends decided that the cure for my "sads" was checking out the local piano bar scenes. We never got past the one where Idris Phillips (I'll use his current name) was valiantly trying to work his music magic over the clamor of horse races and betting. Before we left that night , we made arrangements for him to move in as "roomie" during his divorce.. He was like a kind of brilliant, talented much younger cousin who let me tag along to gigs. I was painting and showing in galleries, so the living room smelled like oil paint and echoed with wistful keyboard stories. That time shaped the rest of my art life, gave me new musician friends and, I think, gave him a safe place and platform to make the break from toxic to finding the beautiful world I hear him describe on your show. Wonderful album. Wonderful interview.

The interview sounds fabulous. I just listened to it and it's such a great, spiritual conversation to listen to. I also really like your intro song "Song of the soul".

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