What Would Love Do? - Rich Baumann's Song of the Soul

Rich Baumann has a heart of gold that he shared through his music, especially with schools, retirement homes and churches, as well as at folk festivals and the like. As founder of The Million Closets project, he has transported $26,000 of instruments to people on the Gulf Coast since Katrina hit.

All the songs in this program are performed (and some written) by Rich Baumann:

Unconditional Love written by Nancy Moran
T'Shuvah written by Chico Schwall
Butterfly by Rich Baumann
Acceptance by Rich Baumann
Weeds in the Garden written by Kathryn Morski
Battlefield by Rich Baumann
What Would Love Do? written by Dave Shindele


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What Would Love Do? - Rich Baumann's Song of the Soul

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Rich Baumann


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