Activism, Antarctica, Permitting, & Re-fashioning: Citizen's Climate Radio

Citizens' Climate Radio May 2024 Guest Episode

Guest-host Peterson Toscano of Citizen's Climate Radio is sitting in today for Spirit In Action, assisted by several CCR activists. Eileen Flanagan, a writer, social change teacher, Quaker, and activist, dives deep with host Peterson into four different roles people have traditionally taken in change movements. Then Erica Valdez and Horace Mo join Peterson for a vibrant discussion about their personal experiences in taking one of these roles. Peterson and Erica explore the theme of climate change and its impact on Antarctica through their interview with Elizabeth Rush, author of “The Quickening, Creation, and Community at the Ends of the Earth,” who shares her experiences and insights from a research expedition to Thwaites Glacier, and they also speak with Brett Cease, VP of Programs for Citizens’ Climate Lobby, who shared his observations from Antarctica. CCR's Research Coordinator, Dana Nuccitelli, discusses the very geeky world of permitting reform and climate research, and connect for more at The Nerd Corner, while Erica highlights the Scrounger’s Center for Reusable Art Parts (SCRAP), a nonprofit center for creative reuse in San Francisco. Through after-school programs like Sustainable Fashion Design for Teens, SCRAP educates students about the environmental effects of the fashion industry and teaches them how to reuse and revitalize clothing materials.

To learn more about Citizens Climate Radio, visit their blog. Learn how you can engage in meaningful climate work by visiting Citizens Climate Lobby. Learn more about Peterson at his website.

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Activism, Antarctica, Permitting, & Re-fashioning: Citizen's Climate Radio

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Peterson Toscano
Eileen Flanagan
Erica Valdez
Horace Mo
Elizabeth Rush
Dana Nuccitelli


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