A Better Life From a US/Italian Viewpoint

John Bachman and Christina Yocca

Usually for Spirit in Action we are talking to a person or group who are engaged in some specific world-healing work, while today We'll be talking to John Bachman and Christina Yocca, former residents of Eau Claire, currently back for a short visit, who have been living in Italy for 2 years now, which is their permanent home. Our hope is that by talking with John and Christina, we'll form a clearer view of the strengths and the weaknesses of the two different countries, and to explore the possibilities for improving the world, and ourselves, by choosing a new home. John and Christina have both been very involved in world-healing work, John as criminal defense lawyer, including his legal work with NukewatchEarth First, and the Line 3 Pipeline Protesters, while Christina's artwork and teaching have been an enrichment of our world in a different way. We previously interviewed John about his defense of the protesters at the 2008 Republican National Convention.

Those interested in further exploring life and possible relocation as John & Christina have may want to check out the Life In Abruzzo Facebook Group, and a site about Dual US/Italian Citizenship.

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First Air Date

Full, uncut interview with John Bachman & Christina Yocca

Audio file

A Better Life From a US/Italian Viewpoint

Audio file

A comparison of the local control tendencies within the EU and what happens in the USA for states.

Broadcast Date(s)


John Bachman
Christina Yocca


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