Emerging Consciousness and Economics - Said Dawlabani

photo of Said Dawlabani

MEMEnomics: The Next-generation Economics System by Said Dawlabani explores an evolving, growing, & maturing of values systems, leading us to a better future, in spite of and fueled by the crises we go through. A further adaptation of the Spiral Dynamics theories of Don Beck, Memenomics may well be the lens to light our way forward.

Said Elias Dawlabani is the leading expert in the value-systems approach to economics and the founder of The Memenomics Group, an advisory organization that reframes economic issues through the prism of values systems and offers sustainable solutions based on this emerging science.

First Air Date

Emerging Consciousness and Economics - Said Dawlabani

Audio file

BONUS EXCERPT: The Rich Get Richer and...
Is it inevitable that the wealth & income gap between rich and poor continue to grow and is it the result of mechanization & computerization? Is it a result of the Orange Level "Only Money Matters" cycle?
BONUS EXCERPT: Bio-Psycho-Social System
Some of the theory behind Memenomics.

Broadcast Date(s)


Said Dawlabani


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