Jane Addams: Spirit In Action - Louise W. Knight

Louise W. Knight

Visit with Louise Knight, author of Jane Addams: Spirit In Action. Around a century ago Jane Addams stood at the head of the major peace & justice efforts of her day. Founder of Hull House in Chicago, she provided leadership for suffrage, work reforms, the NAACP, and peace organizations like the Womens International League for Peace & Freedom - and much more.

Music Featured:
Bread & Roses - Anne Feeney

First Air Date

Jane Addams: Spirit In Action - Louise W Knight

Audio file

and his influence on her views and writings.
and all the writings she had left that showed her life and views.
Why she became so important.
Louise's spirituality and what she finds important
and how that changed how she tried to help poor people.
and the culture that allowed her to be a lesbian at the time.

Broadcast Date(s)


Louise W. Knight


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