Passionate on the Farm

Inga Witscher

Inga Witscher is an organic dairy farmer and the star of a new Wisconsin Public TV program called Around the Farm Table, exploring a revolution in farming and connection to the Earth. Founding St. Isidore's Mead Organic Farm 7 years ago, Inga has fallen in love with the land & animals & a mission to transform the modern US view of agriculture (& cooking), assisted by, among others, her musician husband, Joe Maurer, who's been a Song of the Soul guest.


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Passionate on the Farm - Inga Witscher

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Inga Witscher


What a delightful conversation. As a fruit farmer up north from you and your guest this was of obvious interest. One thing Inga mentioned that I can relate to was a few years ago she sold her cows because she was getting lonely on the farm. In the last few years, I have found myself in employment situations that are quite solitary and don't often have company on the farm. It doesn't help that my favorite side hobby is to go out in the woods and make bike trails. I seldom even see people in the woods during hunting season; there's just too much room for the hunters. Someday I'll figure out a way to bring people to the farm or else get myself out into a more social lifestyle. I'm not too religious either but like the idea of invoking patron saints or angels.

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