Peterson Toscano's Healing Work: From Ex-gay Survivors to Everyone

Peterson Toscano

Peterson Toscano first appeared on Spirit In Action in 2007, talking about his work to support and heal ex-gay survivors, men who, like him, spent years trying to be cured from being gay, and being seriously, sometimes lethally injured by that treatment. I then observed Peterson as he dove deeply into Biblical study around non-conforming sexual roles, in the Bible, and transforming ways of seeing the lessons of that book. Finally, since 2012, I've seen Peterson's dedicated and creative work on Climate Change, and I've been delighted to feature his podcast contents on Spirit In Action quarterly, to enlarge his listenership and enrich the ears, hearts, and souls of my listeners. Peterson currently produces podcasts for Citizens Climate RadioClimate ChangedQuakers TodayThe Seed, and other programs. This interview takes place in-person on the campus of Haverford College, during the 2024 Friends General Conference Gathering held there.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Catholic, Evangelical Christian, Quaker

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, uncut interview with Peterson Toscano at FGC 2024

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Peterson Toscano's Healing Work: From Ex-gay Survivors to Everyone

Audio file

One of the ways to reconnect with and live more lightly on the Earth is foraging and acorns.

Broadcast Date(s)


Peterson Toscano


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