QVS - Spirituality, Activism, Community

Exploration of how spiritually-root service can transform the paths of young volunteers. There's riches in the experience with the Peace CorpsAmericorps & VISTATeach for America, & many more, but today we visit with several folks with QVS (Quaker Voluntary Service). QVS provides a year of service, living at the intersection of transformational spirituality and activism. Claire Hannapel, is a former fellow with QVS Atlanta and is the current QVS Outreach & Development Coordinator, KT Glusac & Dillon Sebastian are fellows with the QVS Minneapolis, Zoë Enciso Edmiston is with QVS Portland, and Cynthia Bartoo acts as support to QVS Minneapolis fellows.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

Featured Music:
Gonna Take It With Me - performed by Ben Tousley & Sue Kranz on Take Hands

View this QuakerSpeak video of several former QVS fellows.

Episode Number


First Air Date

QVS - Spirituality, Activism, Community

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Claire Hannapel
KT Glusac
Dillon Sebastian
Zoë Enciso Edmiston
Cynthia Bartoo


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