Resisting War Taxes in Southern California

cartoon that reads "If you work for peace, stop paying for war."

2 members of Southern California War Tax Resistance, Frances Schneider Liau & Cathy Deppe, speak of WTR, witness, community, and the SCWTR alternative fund.

Additional resources include the War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee and the War Tax Resisters Penalty Fund.

Music Featured:
Who Would Jesus Bomb - David Rovics
We Are Not Alone - John McCutcheon
If You Want Peace - Charlie King & Karen Brandow

Episode Number


First Air Date

Resisting War Taxes in Southern California

Audio file

About their religious and other background that resulted in them becoming war tax resisters.
The help that a community can give a person who is doing war tax resistance and how they deal with the penalties.
Where they got their staying power so that they can stand up to the government
Where she works and how her work goes with her war tax resistance

Broadcast Date(s)


Frances Schneider Liau
Cathy Deppe


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