Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change And The New Geography of Violence

photo of Christian Parenti

Christian Parenti is the author of Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change & the New Geography of Violence, a powerful analysis of the historical, military, economic & other forces which combine with climate change to move us toward catastrophic convergence. Chistian is a contributing editor at The Nation with a Ph.D. in sociology.

Christian Parenti is also the author of Lockdown America, The Soft Cage, and The Freedom.

Featured music:

I Need to Wake Up (from An Inconvenient Truth) - Melissa Etheridge

First Air Date

Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change & The New Geography of violence - Christian Parent

Audio file

about what is actually happening in afganistan
A little bit about his newest book
some of the fixes that might work.
Mr parenti on religion
all the sciences involved in climate issues.

Broadcast Date(s)


Christian Parenti


I appreciate your having Parenti on to talk about risks from climate change from a somewhat different perspective than many (including myself) focus on, the one that so alarms the national security types. However, not everything Parenti says reflects best scientific understanding, either about climate change or the solutions. For example, the public discussion about the goal of a 350 parts per million atmospheric carbon dioxide (we are now at 390 ppm CO2) led to a major analysis ( that shows we won't be returning to 350 ppm this millennium. Additionally, the idea that we can reduce greenhouse gases without significant amounts of nuclear power and carbon capture and storage has not been explored in the sources Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change depends on, and indeed, even with those, it appears almost impossible to reduce GHG emissions to the level that scientists prefer ( 8/13/11

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