Update from Iraq: Sami Rasouli Back in the USA

Sami Rasouli

Sami Rasouli returned to Iraq after more than 20 years in the USA to rebuild the country and found the Muslim Peacemaker Teams. Combining love of his birthplace in Iraq with love of his home in the Midwest, Sami lets us see the people of both places as "us".

Music Featured:
Shekhani - Chaldean Folk Dance from Iraq

First Air Date

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Update from Iraq: Sami Rasouli Back in the USA

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although not all of it considering that a major goal was to keep the oil under the American dollar while Saddam was planning to move it to the euro.
working for peace and justice
and of how the military is now run.
Great Muslim Peacemakers
including showing that Americans are not supporting our empire's colonial ambitions in Iraq.

Broadcast Date(s)


Sami Rasouli


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