Bruce Dancis is author of Resister: A Story of Protest and Prison during the Vietnam War, was raised by secular Jewish parents, nurtured at the NY Society for Ethical Culture, and became a passionate advocate for social justice and student leader as a student at Cornell U.
Non-violent Cow takes on ROTC at Marquette U - Bob Graf At Work
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Bob Graf spent 7 years as a Jesuit scholastic student, was part of the Milwaukee 14, a 1968 action to destroy draft records during the Vietnam War, and recently he got arrested as a result of his protests of ROTC training at Marquette U
World War 2 Conscientious Objectors
First Air Date
WW2 was a "popular war" and it so it took greater conviction to be a conscientious objector to that war. We have the privilege of talking to 2 of the surviving CO's of that war, George Watson, 91 years old, and Jack Phillips, now 86. Their experience in confronting the draft and in serving in the Civilian Public Service had a profound effect on the remainding 60+ years of their lives.