Toward Taking Away the Occasion of Abortion - Rachel MacNair and Stan Becker

Life Choice

A thoughtful dialog about abortion, peace witness and care for creation. Guests are Rachel MacNair, Phd. in Psychology and undergraduate in Peace & Conflict Studies, and Stan Becker, Phd. in Demographics at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, where he is currently professor in the Dept of Population, Family and Reproductive Health.

Rachel is an advocate of an across-the-board pro-life policies with a Friends Witness for a Prolife Peace Testimony and also with Consistent Life and a former president of Feminists for Life.

Stan has been active with Quaker Earthcare Witness for the past 20 years, including 3 years as clerk, and was involved in producing their pamphlet, Toward Taking Away the Occasion of Abortion.

First Air Date

Toward Taking Away the Occasion of Abortion

Audio file

The first guest talks about how those that are called anti-choice also oppose all contraception other than abstinence and maybe the rhythm method. The other guest about how the men in a woman’s life might not give the woman a choice in the matter.
Some said that such ads shouldn’t be allowed thus being censored. Heard more of it in the 80's.
Their views on contraception and on reducing abortion to the absolute minimum possible.
She studies people that had to kill. He had concerns about population and about how that is controversial among Quakers.
Stan considers pregnancy a parasite and the fetus a potential life.

Broadcast Date(s)


Stan Becker
Rachel MacNair


Thank you so much for this considerate, thoughtful and thought-provoking conversation on a highly emotional subject. I hope we will begin to see more and more of this sensitivity and intelligence in the abortion debate, as there is healing needed here.

I commend everyone involved in this conversation for their civility, honest recognition of differences, and identification of common-ground solutions to abortion. And I invite anyone, prolife or prochoice, who is serious about reducing abortion, to visit the Nonviolent Choice Directory, This is a global directory of abortion-reducing resources. There is a regularly updated list of simple-to-take action alerts on our blog at Nonviolent Choice takes a prolife feminist approach, but we welcome visitors and participants of any vantage point. Thank you.

Thanks for doing this show, and handling it so well. We do need to really be able to hear considered views. The issue is very important.

Dear Friends, No where in this interview did anyone mention Spirit, and how a woman is led to make her decision. As Quakers, we should be concerned that women are free and able to follow their spiritual leading about their conception/pregnancy.

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