The music of Niyonu Spann has depth of meaning thoroughly entwined with fine melodies and harmonies and musical acumen. We've seen her on Northern Spirit Radio once previously for Song of the Soul, and also once for Spirit In Action, focused on her work with Beyond Diversity 101.
Spirited Tribe
First Air Date
Tribe1 is a growing, morphing, evolving, group of musicians, orchestrated by Niyonu Spann, who express their testimony and aspirations for the world through the songs they co-create - it's a pretty special process! Jonathan Snipes & Ingrid Lakey, 2 of about 10 members of the group, share their soul journey with Tribe1.
What You Put Down Now
First Air Date
Niyonu Spann is the leader of Tribe1, a Philadelphia group singing for peace and unity. Niyonu is used to wrestling with the deep things, walking carefully through the tender places, and bravely going to the scary territory where the fainter hearts just faint. In addition to her moving, soulful, questioning music, Niyonu leads workshops called Beyond Diversity 101. And more. Find Tribe1's music on Bandcamp.
Beyond Diversity 101
First Air Date
Niyonu Spann began leading Beyond Diversity 101 workshops after about 10 years as a diversity workshop facilitator. In this new approach, Niyonu uses mixed modes, song, movement, body work, etc, to move in new directions of growth following knowledge of racism from all sides. Among other things, Niyonu makes music with Tribe1.
Music Featured:
I Wish I Knew How/Wade In The Water - Niyonu Spann & FGC Workshop