Melanie Joy presents deep thought and a check on our clouded view of reality in the new edition of her book, Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: an Introduction to Carnism, in which she introduces the concept of carnism &
Preserving Life & The Web of Meaning
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Jeremy Lent explores the way forward for humanity & all life on Earth by a deep dive into knowledge, connection, insight, and wisdom in his latest book, The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science & Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe.
The Animals' Day Off
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School cafeterias across the country are sowing healthier futures by serving more plant based meals. Obesity rates, greenhouse gas emissions and even costs go down. And kids come home asking for kale. We talk with food service directors, a registered dietician, and sustainable food advocates about eating healthier for people and the planet.
Joyful Animal Compassion
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There's a long history of trying to convince folks to go vegetarian or vegan by argument, but Compassionate Action for Animals (CAA) (or on FaceBook) is trying something different - emphasizing the sheer fun of it.
Sanctity of Life - Vasu Murti - Part 2
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Vasu Murti asks a disturbing question - if world hunger, climate change, and, importantly, abortion are the karma for our animal-based diet, can we get liberals and conservatives to come together to affirm the sanctity of all life? Vasu Murti is author of The Shall Not Hurt or Destroy: Animal Rights and Vegetarianism in the Western Religious Traditions and also The Liberal Case Against Abortion.
Karma, Vegetarianism & Abortion - Vasu Murti - Part 1
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Vasu Murti is a powerful liberal voice for "consistant peace", and he supports his concerns by extensive research of eastern religious thought, western religious thought, and the best of secular thought & reasoning. In this 2-part interview he speaks about global warming, war, karma (and many more topics) and their relationship to vegetarianism & abortion.