A Better Life From a US/Italian Viewpoint

First Air Date

Usually for Spirit in Action we are talking to a person or group who are engaged in some specific world-healing work, while today We'll be talking to John Bachman and Christina Yocca, former residents of Eau Claire, currently back for a short visit, who have been living in Italy for 2 years now, which is their permanent home. Our hope is that by talking with John and Christina, we'll form a clearer view of the strengths and the weaknesses of the two different countries, and to explore the possibilities for improving the world, and ourselves, by choosing a new home.

The RNC 8 - Anarchism And Reprisals for Welcoming the Republicans to St Paul

First Air Date

Garrett Fitzgerald is one of the anarchist & anti-authoritarian RNC 8, on trial for activities leading up to protests in the Twin Cities of Minnesota during the 2008 Republican National Convention. John Bachman was a legal observer at the demonstrations and is 1 of the 11 lawyers for the defense of the RNC 8.