Learning From & Wrestling With Humanity 101

February 23, 2021

Jeremy Lent, has an MBA, is an author, integrator, and founder of The Liology Institute. His amazing new book is The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity's Search for Meaning, which is all about understanding and leveraging humanity's fundamental drives toward sustainability of our species and the planet.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

'Tis the Gift to be Simple

February 23, 2021

How much is enough - and how much is too much?

May we look upon our treasures and the furniture of our houses and the garments in which we array ourselves and try whether the seeds of war have any nourishment in these our possessions, or not. 18th Century Quaker John Woolman

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. - Matthew 19:24

And one more quote: More is better!!! - Spoken daily by the Great American Dream

Spirit In The Digital Age: Quakers & Technology

February 23, 2021

In this episode, Spirit in the Digital Age, producer Madeline Schaefer takes a look at the role of technology in spirituality and, specifically, with Quakers. Included are interviews with Martin Kelley about QuakerQuaker.org and the convergent Friends movement; Stephen Dotson and Facebook; Chris Pifer and Aaron Crosman on what makes a Quaker website, "Quaker"; and the diary of a one week "Technology Fast."