Alice Rothchild is many things: a woman, a Jew, a doctor, a feminist, a poet, and the author of 6 books, the latest being Inspired and Outraged: The Making of a Feminist Physician.
Another Mother's Child - A Jewish Quaker Reaches Out
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Many of us have been in pain about events in the Middle East for years, a pain that was horribly amplified by the massacre of Jews on October 7th, 2023, and the horrific and disproportional retribution that followed in Gaza by Israelis. Today's guest is Sandy Green, a Jewish Quaker, formerly a Zionist, who found she could not un-see the evils perpetrated by Israel on Palestinians, not just recently, but for decades. Late in her long life, Sandy has become a visible activist, facing painful consequences, but remaining steadfast to a fuller and wider love.
WNPJ Fall Assembly: Elena Terry, Alan Chavoya, & Samer Alatout
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Three speeches from the October 19th meeting of the Fall Assembly of the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice. In our broadcast version we'll have only two of the three speakers, but the podcast version will have all three of them, sharing on a range of peace and justice topics.
Jonathan Kuttab's Past & Present in Palestine
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Jonathan Kuttab was born & raised in Jerusalem, and he helped found Nonviolence International and the Palestinian rights group Al-Haq, and is the author of
Feeding A Starving Gaza - The Freedom Flotilla
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Like so many witnessing the immense suffering in Gaza, Cassandra Dixon wanted to do something to help the situation. Cassandra has made numerous visits to Palestine and has come to know many people there as personal friends, so she strongly felt the call to join the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza, carrying thousands of tons of humanitarian aid for the starving people of Gaza.
Home From Gaza...for the Moment - Human Peace Work
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Gisele Bolton is an inspiration of where a passionate heart for healing the world can lead you. From her home in the Chippewa Valley of Wisconsin, Gisele earned degrees in International Politics and Human Rights and in Global Studies, Human Rights and Justice in the Middle East and Africa. She added languages, including Arabic, to her toolkit, and she volunteered and interned in diverse countries like Lebanon, Kenya, and Honduras.
Open Conversation on the Middle East: Steve Chase
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Steve Chase has a long history of doing, teaching, and writing about activism, starting from the age of 13, when he first stood against war.
Speaking Truth to Power With 92 Years of Witness
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There was an article by Bill Durland in the May/June 2023 issue of Western Friend called Martyrs for Conscience's Sake (and there is also a
Give Trees a Chance!
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Tom Neilson is a folk singer's folk singer, using his songs to bring you all the news and issues that are of vital importance to the physical and ethical well-being of Americans but which get short-shrift in mainstream media.
New Vision for Peace & Justice in the Middle East
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Jonathan Kuttab has a vital new perspective, potentially opening a completely new door into a future of peace and justice for Israel/Palestine. Jonathan was born & grew up in West Jerusalem till he headed to college in the US.