Positive & Practical Primer for Paradigm Shift

First Air Date

Jan Spencer is back today to guest-host today Spirit In Action with the 4th installment of his series Primer for Paradigm Shift, and this one is fun for the positive and practical examples of this kind of work actually taking place. While keeping his eye on the needed ways of seeing and thinking about the world in order to become sustainable and to leave our world-wrecking ways behind us, Jan shows us real folks making real change with real fun.

Yazidi Hope After ISIS - Lisa Miara

First Air Date

Lisa Miara is at the center of The Hope Centre/Springs of Hope Foundation in the Kurdish region in Northern Iraq. The Yazidi minority in that area was devastated by the 2014 attack of ISIS on them, and Lisa found a leading to live among and nurture back to wholeness the victims of ISIS, bringing hope & love to reclaim child soldiers and horribly abused & enslaved girls & women.

Purple Peace Wagon - War and Peace Talk Between Parents and Kids - Judith Myers-Walls

First Air Date

Purple Wagon is the site of Perdue Professor Emerita of Child Development & Family Studies, Judith Myers-Walls. In 1989 she began research and applications around parent/child communication about war & peace, a passion that comes out of her background with the Church of the Brethren, one of the traditional peace churches