1845 - Joshua Brown's Song of the Soul


2 passions of Joshua Brown's life are traditional folk music and West Richmond Friends Meeting, where he is pastor. Raised with a wealth of songs from Irish uncles and the rest of his family, he shares the riches in schools, nursing homes, for coffee houses - and at church.

All the songs in this program are by performed by Joshua Brown:

I Was Born About 10,000 Years Ago Traditional
Who Put the Overalls in Mrs. Murphy's Chowder Traditional
1845 Joshua Brown
Slavery Chain Traditional
No Room at the Inn Traditional
Christmas Medley Traditional
Miraculous Harvest Traditional, adapted by Joshua Brown


Episode Number


First Air Date

1845 - Joshua Brown's Song of the Soul

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Broadcast Date(s)


Joshua Brown


Dear Mark and Joshua, I commented already. This was a wonderful program.

What a wonderful program. I've always enjoyed Josh's music and fondly recall the many joyous occasions when he delighted us with his talent. My all-time favorite song is still "Waltzing with Bears."

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