Jesus Made Me a Communist

Charley Earp

Charley Earp is honestly devoted to the religiously-inspired communism of his youth, without apology or irony. With insights into the true origins and meanings of communism, and nurtured by a deep, though unorthodox, religious path, including years as part of the Reba Place Fellowship, and he writes several blogs, including, and

Music Featured:
I've Been Kissed By a Communist - by Charlie King & Martha Leader

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Jesus Made Me a Communist

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Charley Earp


Honest sincere statement. Long live communism and long live Rev Earp

Admirable and so honest.Helen Keller once said it is impossible to be a Christian and Not be a socialist.However it is doubtful that Jesus would have espoused violent revolution "those who live by the sword will die by the sword" and He was shocked when Peter tried to defend Him by cutting off the ear of the soldier who came to arrest Christ in Gethsemane.There ate quite a number of communists today (quite different from the early 20th century) who believe that evolution to communism rather than revolution can be achieved through the progressive peaceful electoral  process even though this may take a long time.

I still get a kick out of being called "the happiest communist" Mark had ever spoken with. Y'all, it's all about LOVE. #CommiePreacher

Nice interview. I always wondered what would have happened if Karl Marx has said that communism was the Christ like thing to do. He probably would have been ignored and forgotten. Something I always heard about communal living is that the only ones that survive were the ones that have a spiritual foundation.

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