Prays Well With Others

In an atmosphere where so often there is religious intolerence & distrust, it's beautiful to see diverse spiritual communities sharing deeply together. At Eau Claire's Interfaith Prayer Service for Peace & Unity, conceived by Bob Lesniewski, a Benedictine oblate, prayers were shared from Presbyterian, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Ba'hai, Catholic, & Quaker representatives. It was a rich sharing of diverse faiths, warming a cold winter night. The next Eau Claire Interfaith Prayer Service will be May 23, 2018. When will yours be?

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

Interfaith United
Interfaith United

A letter about Interfaith collaboration was published in Eau Claire's Leader-Telegram on 12/2/17, signed by 33 representatives of various faiths in the Chippewa Valley. The joint letter was in response to a local congregation featuring an ex-Muslim Christian convert who was to speak warning of the dangers of Interfaith dialogue. Seven people from different faiths read the communal letter.


Ep 20 When the oil folks embraced the wind

Grant Samms was curious about the expansion of wind energy in Western Oklahoma, especially in the oil town of Woodward. He expected to see a lot of conflict there. Turns out there was no conflict. Because of their identity as energy producers, the citizens of Woodward found a way to weave wind energy extraction into their lives and enconomy. 

David Alpert
Miracle Water

We mostly take it for granted in the USA, but many places in the world are risking their lives to have a drink of water. In the midst of rape, war, & crushing poverty, Friendly Water for the World performs & witnesses miracles. Using appropriate technology & native ingenuity, the organization helps people in decimated areas of Africa & India to find new, transformed life. David Albert is co-founder and board chairman. The Seeds of Hope movie and trailer will give you some visuals of the kind of places this work is being done.

Tunes in the Belly of the Year

A Song of the Soul collage from mid-2017 full of folkies, young & old, with tributes to Pete Seeger by Charlie King and Pete's sister, Peggy Seeger, a Quaker ballad by Paul Tinkerhess, a sing-along song with Peter & Annie, Anishinabe-rooted music with Bill Miller, and an heartful journey across America in song with Robinson & Rohe.

Soul of 2017 Starter Kit

A rich sampling of the wonderful songs & guests of the first half of 2017, including Radmilla CodyIrfan Ali TajAshley MazanecNici PeperBilly Jonas, and Jean Rohe. An incredibly rich potluck of musical dishes!

Gordon Whitman
Stand Up, Together!

We want a better world, and Gordon Whitman shows us how in Stand Up! How to get involved, speak out, and win in a world on fire. With 25 years experience in Chile & the USA, and as deputy director of Faith in Action, Gordon is well-situated to see what works and how to guide willing hands to more powerful work.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:


A Passionate Zionist Rethinks

Steve Chase did a major course correction about Israel/Palestine, a journey he shares in a 30-page pamphlet Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions? A Quaker Zionist Rethinks Palestinian Rights. With insights from Jewish Voice for, and AFSC, he found a better way forward.

Awakening Men - Ebenezer's Make Over, Part 2

Conclusion of a musical adventure into awakening men via Ebenezer's Make OverPeter Alsop's eye-opening reconceptualization of Ebenezer Scrooge facing dysfunctional manhood presented by the 3 ghosts of the Christmas Carol, rewritten. How do men support one another & our kids, and not kill each other & themselves, own their bodies, and work together.

Featured Music from Ebenezer's Make Over (plus one other song):

Ep 19 Promoting Health and Bee Populations

Climate Change stirs up a lot of emotions! How do these feelings affect each of us? How do we cope? How do we move past paralyzing despair to a place of hope and action? Also, we hear from a sculptor using her art to save bee populations.