Folk House Musician

Doug MacKenzie

Doug MacKenzie has a long pedigree - as a jet engine mechanic and as a folk musician. Currently in collaboration with Sue West as Rural Roots Music, they are churning out music at an incredible rate. Because of his brother, Guy MacKenzie, Doug got used to having folks like Bob Dylan, Judy Collins, Dave Van Ronk, and others around the house. After a hiatus of a couple decades, Doug is back doing full-time folk music.

All the songs in this program are performed by Doug MacKenzie (and friends) except for Lullaby:
This Goddamn House - written by Daniel Lefkowitz
Arthur McBride - Traditional Scottish
The Lonesome Death of Francis Clarke - written by Michael Marra
Spanish Flang Dang - Traditional, based on the playing of Elizabeth Cotten
Travelin' Man - written by Pink Anderson
Rocks and Gravel - Traditional, based on Mance Lipscomb's version, here's Doug on Youtube
Don't Hide Your Soul - written by Beth Ray, performed by Sue West & Doug MacKenzie
Lullabye - written & performed by Guy MacKenzie

Episode Number


First Air Date

Folk House Musician

Audio file

Doug shares his version of Traveling Man - and we discuss the 'moral imperative' of the song. Yeah, right.
The struggle of life without hands, while recovering from the multiple hand operations. How to survive?
North Carolina meets rural Wisconsin to make Rural Roots Music.
Did anything good come out of Doug's 10 years in the Air Force?
Doug's experience with Elizabeth Cotten, folk treasure, in her 80s.

Broadcast Date(s)


Doug MacKenzie


Doug, I have to come back to this but what i heard so far is better than excellent, keep it up and its a pleasure to have you as a friend.

This should go into an archive Doug...great interview.

I listened to a very pleasant broadcast of the interview you had with Doug McKenzie. I thoroughly enjoyed the balance of song and tale and listened to it again. This is a talented and under-estimated musician who needs more coverage, and I thank you for giving him some of that. I am Scottish and live in rural Perthshire, and with the breeze that's coming through my window and the distant sounds of wind through trees, the best accompaniment I had to this was this interview and song. Thank you for that! .

Doug's the man!

GEEZE ! beautiful…. ! ! !

Enjoyed this immensely... Hearing Doug's voice, music and stories was a great pleasure. You have the ear to be a successful impressionist Doug. The Scottish accent and "Bob Dylan" made me smile.. :)

I listened to the entire program. What a treat! Killer Scottish brogue, Doug.

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