Not Just Some Pretty Guitar - Rick Ruskin

Rick Ruskin

Though Rick Ruskin has a voice sometimes reminiscent of James Taylor, with all the enchantment that implies, and though he's got a lot of wonderful lyrics & tunes, the way that Rick most distinctively shines is through his magic on the guitar. Born and raised around Detroit, Michigan, migrating to California in the late 1960's, and having played for years with prominent artists like Olivia Newton John & Jackie DeShannonRick Ruskin has been located in Seattle for the past few decades in a home complete with an excellent recording studio plus a drum kit for creativity, exercise and therapy.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

All songs are written and performed by Rick Ruskin, unless otherwise noted:
Kudah Duxx - on In The Beginning
Corvair's Exodus - written with B.T. Willis, on Microphone Fever
You Make Me Nervous - on Perfect Pitch
Rain Man - on Perfect Pitch
Lullaby - on In The Beginning
Home Is Where The heart Is - on Home Is Where The Heart Is
Long Walk Home - on In The Beginning

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Not Just Some Pretty Guitar - Rick Ruskin

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Rick Ruskin


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