Pictures Without Borders - Bosnia Revisited

book cover for "Pictures without borders"

Steve Horn photographed throughout the former Yugoslavia in 1970, not returning with his camera until 2003, after the war in Bosnia. He documented the before and after of war and was able to take back to the people a slice of their pre-war past nearly lost. With his book, Pictures Without Borders - Bosnia Revisited, Steve teaches us to know our global neighbors. Raised in a Jewish family, Steve is a long-time resident of Lopez Island, Washington.

Music Featured:
Jovana Jovanke - The Baksheesh Boys

First Air Date

Pictures Without Borders - Bosnia Revisited

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Steve Horn


Very unique presentation of interesting faraway places and people, in the span of 30+ years.

Steve is a long time good friend, fellow Quaker and ...... I could go on and on...but the point is, the interview was so wonderful for me to listen to. As long as I have known Steve, I still learned more and this, to me, seems to be the hallmark of a good interview. It is true that Lopez Island is a remarkable community and Steve is one of our treasures. Thank you Mark for sharing his good work, enlightening us to the struggle of the Balkans, and your continued work on Northern Spirit Radio.

I just returned from a walk with my yellow lab, Buddy. I had two other companions, too--Mark Helpsmeet and Steve Horn--and through the podcast of their hour-long conversation I felt I'd been to Bosnia and back. As usual, Mark had done his homework and asked thoughtful questions that elicited insights from Steve about peace-making through his art as a photographer. I've known Steve for nearly twenty years, worship with him in our Quaker meeting, and have read and re-read his book, Pictures Without Borders--Bosnia Revisited. In this interview, I learned even more about how Steve's work as a photographer grows from his connection to Spirit and deep commitment to peace. Thank you to both Mark and Steve for reminding me of the importance of personal connection and sharing stories and images to promote peace.

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