Face-to-face with the War Beast in Fayetteville

Face-to-face with the War Beast in Fayetteville

Chuck Fager has served 11 years with Quaker House, situated right next to Ft. Bragg, the largest army base in the USA, and dealing daily with soldiers & the war machine, They provide peace education, advocacy & counseling, both directly & through the GI Rights Hotline (call  877-447-4487 ). Since 2001, Chuck's dealt with torture, Don't Ask Don't Tell, moral injury, drones, and much more. He's an author of many books and articles, on the civil rights movement, theology, Quakers, humor, and more.

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Face-to-face with the War Beast in Fayetteville

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Chuck Fager


Too bad their aren't Peace Corp and AmeriCorps recruiters that make as easy to do something bigger than yourself, that's also peaceful and constructive, as there are to go into the military. Ah, but then it would be a perfect world and what would be the challenge of that?

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