Midwifery - Martha Nieman & Brenda Gagnon

pregnant woman with belly exposed, looking beautiful

Martha Nieman and Brenda Gagnon are nurse midwives in Eau Claire with a few decades of experience between them. They share of the spiritual nature of their work and how it flows from and is rooted in their spiritual lives.

Martha and Brenda both draw on deep spiritual lives. Martha was raised as a daughter of a preacher, eventually becoming an ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church, though she has now become a Quaker and transferred her membership to Eau Claire Friends Meeting.. Brenda grew up in the United Church of Christ, conververted to Catholicism as a young adult, attended United Theological Seminary in the Twin Cities, and is currently a part of Unity Christ Center in Eau Claire.

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Midwifery - Martha Nieman & Brenda Gagnon

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Every job is a service job in spirit. They enjoy being with the women as they go through thier pregnancy and birthing process.
a gift of heart expansion. She can hear the love of a mother for her child coming out. A child gets loved no matter what.
There are all sorts of fears and ideas about how labor is supposed to be. A woman has to let go and let herself have the baby. perhaps all women are meant to be mothers of god.
nurse midwives and certified professional midwives.
She started by asking why it is written that god hardened Pharaohs heart. She was called disrespectful for asking such a question. So she went to seminary to learn more about it.
brenda doesnt know the statistics. there have been many women that had home birth that liked that way of doing it. martha said 20%.

Broadcast Date(s)


Martha Nieman
Brenda Gagnon


As timely as it was when recorded in March of 2006. The Northern Spirit archives are a marvelous treasure trove for us all (< : thanks mark !

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