A Day of Forgiveness and Rebirth

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On September 11, 2007, the people of Eau Claire gathered at Phoenix Park to remember the events of 6 years earlier, but also to seek a way forward to a better, healed world. Take part in the music, reflection and visioning of the event on this program, including the keynote by Mike Boehm, founder of the My Lai Peace Park & Loan Fund, and other acts of reconciliation with Vietnam, Japan and Central America. You can hear my complete interview with Mike Boehm here.

Music Featured:

Healing In This Night - Bob Franke

Comments from the program for the event:

"This evening’s observance of forgiveness and rebirth was organized by an informal local interfaith consortium. Six years after the events of September 11, 2001, our nation still finds itself unable to describe the full scope of emotions and loss experienced by our nation and the entire world on that day of tragic proportion.

As people of faith we understand that the cause of those deadly actions and the ensuing global reactions all reflect a fundamental state of brokenness within humanity. We also understand that unless divine light breaks into our lives, brokenness and pain will only beget more brokenness and pain. Through that light the cycle of pain is broken and we can experience healing and renewal, both personally and as a society.

This observance is held in Phoenix Park. The myth of the Phoenix, reborn from the flames, provides a poignant image for the promise of our own transformation. In each of our faith traditions we hold to the conviction that suffering and death do not write the last word. The last word belongs to life and love. In the wake of 9-11 we look to this last word with hope, trusting that new life will indeed rise from the ashes."

First Air Date

A Day of Forgiveness and Rebirth

Audio file

David Huber, minister at Plymouth Congregational UCC, shared closing words, a powerful prayer recognizing both the anger and hurt, and the love and forgiveness which must be our response.
The interfaith group that put together the event came up with a statement of our understanding and intent of our observance.
Mike Boehm was the keynote speaker of the Day of Forgiveness & Forgiveness, and he is a co-founder of the My Lai Peace Park and Loan Fund. As a Vietman veteran, mike has spent the last 15 years doing reconciliation work between Americans and Vietnamese.
While the slips of paper were being burned, Savannah Rhae stepped up to the microphone to share a song that the event was calling up for her.

Broadcast Date(s)


Mike Boehm


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