Harmony and The Front Porch - Philip Gulley

cover of book entitled "Harmony"

We welcome back Philip Gulley, author of 14 books, to discuss his Front Porch, Harmony, and other series. Even while writing with a tongue-in-cheek style reminiscent of Garrison Keillor, Phil Gulley tackles deep spiritual issues and real frustrations in a way that can help lighten and enlighten folks across the spectrum.

Visit PhilipGulleyBooks.com for the full list.

Music Featured:
My Little Town - Paul Simon
Amazing Grace - Joan Baez

First Air Date

Harmony and The Front Porch - Philip Gulley

Audio file

When he changed to a quaker.
and his favorite child.
on how he started writing, the harmony books, and Paul Harvey.
and the problems that caused him in school.

Broadcast Date(s)


Philip Gulley


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