Peterson Toscano - Ex-gay Survivor

photo of Peterson Toscano

Peterson's born-again experience at the age of 17 catapulted him into the world of Evangelical Christianity, good except that Peterson was, and is, gay. After 17 years of attempting to become "ex-gay", he finally had to accept his reality and seek healing and wholeness. Through his theatrical and stand-up comedy pieces like "Doin' Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House" and other work, Peterson has become a leading proponent of the Ex-gay Survivor Movement/Beyond Ex-gay.

Music featured:
Everything Possible - Fred Small

First Air Date

Peterson Toscano - Ex-gay Survivor

Audio file

Was Peterson a "Christian struggling with homosexuality" or was he a "homosexual struggling with Christianity"?
After many years of trying so hard to be "ex-gay", Peterson realized that "this is madness" and that "I need to be real" and that God desires "truth in the inmost parts".
As a theatrical performing artist, Peterson uses voices, accents and mannerisms to take the listener to new ideas. His Identity Monolog talks of his search for identity - through 8 different identities.
Part of Peterson's work was to organize an ex-gay survivor meeting to coincide with the largest ex-gay convention, and use the confluence as an opportunity to reduce the damage done my ex-gay works - peacefully and with full heart.

Broadcast Date(s)


Peterson Toscano


What a refreshing and thoughtful perspective on one person's struggle and success to define his sexuality and spirituality! Technical notes: Mark's introductory comments about the purpose of the show seemed a bit wooden. There was also a real difference in the clarity through the guest's microphone (very clear) and Mark's microphone (kind of fuzzy). I would enjoy future programs that illustrate how others have found spiritual guidance through issues that are often rigidly defined by religious dogma, e.g., Catholicism and contraception, the religious right and war, Buddhism and political activity.

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