Black, Gay, & Invisible at MLK's Side

For much of his life of activism, Bayard Rustin was asked to stay invisible, even as he was a leading organizer behind a number of crucial actions, including the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom, because he was gay. Bayard Rustin, Invisible Activist is a biography for young folks which paints a vivid portrait of Bayard's life. It's co-written by science and youth author, Jacqueline Houtman, Associate Professor of Religious Studies & Peace and Conflict Studies, Michael G. Long, and Bayard's partner the final 10 years of his life, Walter Naegle.

Bayard's story is also told in the PBS show, Brother Outsider.

First Air Date

Black, Gay, & Invisible at MLK's Side

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Jacqueline Houtman


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