Healing The Heart of Democracy - Parker Palmer, Part 1

Healing The Heart of Democracy - Parker Palmer, Part1

Parker J. Palmer is author of 9 books including his latest Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit. In his writing and in his work with the Center for Courage & Renewal, he transforms minds & lives. You can see him in person on 4/27/12 at a song & spoken word benefit concert, A Gathering of Spirits for the Common Good along with wonderful singer/songwriter Carrie Newcomer.

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Healing The Heart of Democracy - Parker Palmer, Part 1

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Parker J. Palmer


Mark, Thank you for your April interview with Parker Palmer. A Noetic Science circle in Madison today used your interview as the main topic... inspiring the best discussion and connection I've ever felt there. See below email to Parker for more. Carl L. Parker, I felt renewed hope for democracy today after a uniquely heart-centered sharing circle re your April interview on Northern Spirit Radio (at a Noetic Science circle in the Madison Friends Meeting House). By weaving your work with HeartMath, NVC, creative expression, stillness, breath, energy work, and intuition, I saw and felt the highest level of group coherence, connection, and co-creation in my eight years attending this group. Given the bizarre and polarized political climate in Wisconsin this past year (including the recent Sikh shootings and today's VP announcment), I wonder if We The People of America's Laboratory of Democracy are being primed to model a bold new experiment in democracy... based on the power and wisdom of the heart. Thank you for your inspiration, courage, and commitment in helping me renew mine.

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