John McCutcheon - Mightier Than The Sword

photo of John McCutcheaon playing autoharp in concert.

John McCutcheon has a long history as a dedicated musician with a powerful social conscience. Unions, the environment, war, Central America, national unity - these and many more concerns are woven into his music. Find more at his web site,

John was raised Catholic and has been Quaker for the past 20 years.

All the songs in this program are performed by John McCutcheon:

Our Flag Was Still There   from Mightier Than The Sword
Black Sea   from Stand Up!
Step By Step   from Water From Another Time
Suanne Big Crow   from This Fire- Politics, Love and Other Small Miracles
No Mas   from Water From Another Time
Not Me   from This Fire- Politics, Love and Other Small Miracles
Not In My Name   from Greatest Story Never Told


First Air Date

John McCutcheon - Mightier Than The Sword

Audio file

One of John's more political and humerous songs, talking about getting people to fall in love with the natural world and getting them involved in protecting the environment for the love of nature and of life.
The challenge to modern patriotism is to recognize that dissent is not treason.
Zon (a maltheist) loved this song and shared the following comment "This song for me would be what a good god would be screaming every time an injustice is committed or evil is done in his name. The fact that every person on the planet isn't hearing that being screamed is powerful evidence against a good god."
He John got hooked on banjo and went down South to study music. and then got involved with the anti strip mining movement and found that making music about things that mattered in the community was the best thing.

Broadcast Date(s)


John McCutcheon


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