People Power Against Big Money, Corrupt Politicians, & Casinos - Strategy & Soul

photo of Daniel Hunter

Daniel Hunter vs The Casinos is a case of David vs Goliath, only more impressive. Daniel co-led that battle retold in Strategy & Soul: A Campaigner's Tale of Fighting Billionaires, Corrupt Officials, and Philadelphia Casinos. Ingenious, creative, & steadfastly principled, this is a tale of inspiration and adventure, and there's an immense amount of info about community organizing that is absorbed effortlessly!

First Air Date

People Power Against Big Money, Corrupt Politicians, & Casinos - Strategy & Soul

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Founded by Quaker William Penn as a "holy experiment", why is Philadelphia such an awful mess?
How do casinos manipulate gamblers to play "to extinction"? Brain science is their tool.
How to effectively organize? Delegate responsibility, like the case of anointed the Election Commissioner of Philly's Ballot Box.
Where does Daniel find and live out spiritual community?

Broadcast Date(s)


Daniel Hunter


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