Chuck Fager has served 11 years with Quaker House, situated right next to Ft. Bragg, the largest army base in the USA, and dealing daily with soldiers & the war machine, They provide peace education, advocacy & counseling, both directly & through the GI Rights Hotline (call 877-447-4487 ).
Judy Hyde - Free The Slaves
First Air Date
Judy Hyde is a perpetual source of healing and fun for the world. She's been working for Free the Slaves for several years, finding ways to stem the record numbers of people - and especially kids - held captive for slave labor.
J.E. McNeil/Center on Conscience & War
First Air Date
J.E. McNeil, of the Center on Conscience & War describes the message and work of that organization, helping those seeking conscientious objector status, and those in the military seeking to get out, whatever the reason, and the spiritual roots that led her to this work.
Chuck Fager/Quaker House
First Air Date
Chuck Fager has been the director of Quaker House in Fayetteville, NC, for 4 years now, advocating for peace and providing information and advocacy to those attempting to avoid or get out of the military, in one of the most concentrated military environments of the USA. Chuck is the author of more than 14 books and many more stories, articles and publications. He was a member of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's staff and a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War.