Judy Hyde - Free The Slaves

Free the Slaves

Judy Hyde is a perpetual source of healing and fun for the world. She's been working for Free the Slaves for several years, finding ways to stem the record numbers of people - and especially kids - held captive for slave labor. Judy has a special concern for children, which led her to found the Children's Law Center of Connecticut in 1993, and her passions lead her to volunteer with the GI Rights Hotline and to participate with the Concora: Connecticut's Premier Professional Choir".

Music Featured:
Harriet Tubman (Lifeline) - Holly Near
Freedom Song - Sara Thomsen
Azanian Freedom Song - Sweet Honey In The Rock
House Of The Rising Sun - Peter, Paul & Mary with B.B. King

First Air Date

Judy Hyde - Free The Slaves

Audio file

Judy describes the group, Free The Slaves, and the official definition of slavery, and where it exists in the world.
It works differently in different lands, but sometimes an action to free slaves is an actual break-down-the-doors-and-run-through-the-factory type rescue.
Does slavery exist in the USA? Yes, though it's hidden and carefully manipulated.

Broadcast Date(s)


Judy Hyde


So glad that you decided to do a show on the topic of slavery. The music is really cool.

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