Powerful Peaceful Discernment

Jerry Knutson & Kat Griffith

The topic is individual spiritual discernment, and our guests are Jerry Knutson, author of a Pendle Hill Pamphlet on the subject, and Kat Griffith, who is working with Jerry on translating it into Spanish for a Latin American audience, with the prospect of jointly leading workshops on the topic. Jerry's first master's degree was in Environmental Engineering, and his second was a Master of Divinity degree from Earlham School of Religion. Kat studied agricultural economics, lived in Latin America for years, and has written more than a dozen articles for Friends Journal on a variety of topics. Together, Jerry Knutson and Kat Griffith provide insight and light on a better way to make fruitful, life-changing decisions.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Episcopalian, Lutheran, Quaker

Jerry's pamphlet is Individual Spiritual Discernment: Receiving, Testing, and Implementing Leadings from a Higher Power.

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First Air Date

Full, uncut, discernment interview with Jerry Knutson & Kat Griffith

Audio file

Powerful Peaceful Discernment

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Jerry Knutson
Kat Griffith


I've never done a radio interview and I thank Mark, Kat and the Spirit for making it so easy.  Being so comfortable, I was able to go deeper into discernment than I have in my workshops. I hope you can go deep into discernment and your own experience with it too.

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