Singing Freedom in NYC - Joel Landy

Joel Landy (or on Facebook) is a mild-mannered NYC HS teacher by day, but after hours he dons his Treason t-shirt and performs his original and parody songs around the city and beyond. You can hear & see much of Joel's music on Joel's YouTube Channel, and you can catch him at NY City's "premiere progressive venue", People's Voice Cafe.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

All songs in this program are written & performed by Joel Landy, unless otherwise indicated:
I Can't Help Falling In Love With Me - parody of I Can't Help Falling In Love With You performed at Steve Suffet's 70th Birthday Celebration
Running Out Of Time - at the Odradeks Coffee House, February 2016, parody of Love Potion Number Nine
The Change You Are - at The Peoples' Voice Cafe, Oct 19, 2013
Brave Enough for Love - from Mixed Messages
Anyone Can Do It - watch the live performance on YouTube
Her Diapers Need A’Changin’ - parody of The Times They Are A’Changing, new lyrics by Joel Landy, performed live at the New England Folk Festival

Broadcast Date(s)


Joel Landy


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