The Songful, World-healing Soul of Emma's Revolution

Pat Humphries and Sandy O of Emma's Revolution

Pat Humphries & Sandy O are the members of Emma's Revolution, an entity with its own soul & mission, beautiful music to call forth the deepest of emotions, both grief and joy, always with the aim of steering the world toward justice & healing. If only we could unite the world like Pat & Sandy blend & weave their voices & instruments, peace and justice would already be the norm.

All featured music is written and performed by the members of Emma's Revolution, Pat Humphries & Sandy Opatow, unless otherwise noted:
Swimming to the Other Side
Peace Salaam Shalom
If I Give Your Name
Our House is on Fire
From A (Social) Distance - music by Julie Gold, used by permission, alternative lyrics by Emma's Revolution
Clearwater Tune

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, uncut Song of the Soul with Emma's Revolution

Audio file

The Songful, World-healing Soul of Emma's Revolution

Audio file

There's a poster on the wall of wall where Pat & Sandy are living in the Sacramento Valley, after living in NY & near DC. Here's what led them in their travels.
Harmonies are culturally determined, as is discordance, as is the clash of colors & design, and it's all part of the world's riches.
Explaining the mission & purpose of Emma's Revolution.
The rich sounds of Emma's Revolution & the transition to a Zoom-based music platform.

Broadcast Date(s)


Pat Humphries
Sandy O


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