Pat Humphries & Sandy O are the members of Emma's Revolution, an entity with its own soul & mission, beautiful music to call forth the deepest of emotions, both grief and joy, always with the aim of steering the world toward justice & healing. If only we could unite the world like Pat & Sandy blend & weave their voices & instruments, peace and justice would already be the norm.
Heal My Heart Mid-winter Concert
First Air Date
A rich mid-winter concert of songs of faith & hope by Annie Patterson & Peter Blood, the creators of the world-renowned group-singing songbooks Rise Up Singing, and Rise Again
Old Finger-Picking Dog With New Tricks: Rolly Brown
First Air Date
Rolly Brown delivers quality, whether it's his 4x-a-week on-line Curve Flattening Concerts, his guitar instruction, his
Never One Thing - Annie Patterson Rises Again
First Air Date
She's never just one (musical) thing. As the co-creator of the immensely popular group-singing songbook, Rise Up Singing, and its sequel, Rise Again, Annie Patterson has one foot securely rooted in the folk music world. Annie must have several feet, because she also has feet well-planted in diverse musical genres, like blues, swing, and jazz.
Sing Out The Vote & MVP (Movement Voter Project)
First Air Date
In an effort to support MVP (Movement Voter Project), Annie Patterson & Peter Blood of organized 5 on-line benefit concerts to raise funds, consciousness, & energy to Sing Out The Vote.
Pre-Corona Souls - Spring 2019 Retrospective
First Air Date
Song of the Soul broadcast retrospective of a simpler, less COVID-19, time, one year ago, in 2019, with Victoria Shoemaker (Bewitching), Kora Feder (Painting the Sky with Music), Peter Phippen (Living Music, Sacred Flute), Ira Levin of The Levins (Harmonizing With Lamed Vavniks, Hafiz, & The Gita), Sally Rogers (Happy 100th Birthday Pete Seeger), Pat Humphries of Emma's Revolution (Pete Seeger's Last Songs), Charlie King (Pete Seeger's Last Songs), and Annie Patterson (Pete Seeger's Last Songs).
Pete Seeger's Last Songs
First Air Date
Pat Humphries of Emma's Revolution was at Pete Seeger's bedside as he died, singing to him. Pat and Sandy O of Emma's Revolution, along with Sally Rogers, Charlie King, Annie Patterson, and Peter Blood, join in the post-intermission part of a concert to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Pete Seeger's birth, held April 27th in Northampton, MA, at the Unitarian Society, as a benefit for Climate Action Now MA, part of a wealth of events for the 100th anniversary.
Happy 100th Birthday Pete Seeger
First Air Date
1st part of a concert to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Pete Seeger's birth, held April 27th in Northampton, MA, at the Unitarian Society, as a benefit for Climate Action Now MA, part of a wealth of events for the 100th anniversary. This concert includes performances by Emma's Revolution, Sally Rogers, Charlie King, Annie Patterson, and Peter Blood.
More Pete Seeger Fruits: Reggie Harris, Annie Patterson, Sarah Pirtle, & Peter Alsop
First Air Date
More fruits of the musical seeds planted by Pete Seeger over his 94 years, with guests like Reggie Harris, Annie Patterson & Peter Blood, Peter Alsop, and Sarah Pirtle (and several more folks in 2 weeks!). 3 weeks of Pete Seeger stories and music influenced by him!
Tunes in the Belly of the Year
First Air Date
A Song of the Soul collage from mid-2017 full of folkies, young & old, with tributes to Pete Seeger by Charlie King and Pete's sister, Peggy Seeger, a Quaker ballad by Paul Tinkerhess, a sing-along song with Peter & Annie, Anishinabe-rooted music with Bill Miller, and an heartful journey across America in song with Robinson & Rohe.